Information for Authors

For Authors


Submitted manuscripts are author(s) original work that is not under consideration or peer review or accepted for publication elsewhere.

A. Manuscript submissions
All manuscripts must be prepared in Word format and submitted to: 
Editor: and copy; Managing Editor:

B. Review Process
All manuscripts shall pass through initial editorial screening to ascertain if the manuscript fits the journal's scope before is forwarded for blind peer review. The similarity acceptance rate shall not be more than 20%. In the case of any correction, the author(s) is/are expected to revise the manuscript within the stipulated timeframe by the journal editor.

C. Manuscript Preparation

  • Manuscript must be prepared with Microsoft Word
  • Paper size: A4
  • Font Size: 12 point,
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Spacing: Double line spacing (main manuscript)
  • First page: Title of the paper with author names, affiliations, email address, and ORCID (if any).
  • Second page: Only the title, abstract, keywords, and main manuscript (for peer review)
  • Abstract: Single space, 200-250 words containing the purpose of the study, methodology, findings, conclusion, and implications.
  • Keywords: 5 -7 Keywords
  • Word Counts: 4000-8000 words inclusive of abstract, figures, tables, and references
  • References: APA (American Psychological Association) 7th Edition

D. Research Involving Human Participants
All research involving human participants (respondents) must conform to the Helsinki Declaration. 
Respondents’ participation in the research must be voluntary and confidential. 
E. Authors Views/Arguments
KJEBM would not be held responsible for the Author(s) views or arguments in the manuscript. 

F. Plagiarism
It is the responsibility of the author(s) to adhere to international best practices for writing an article without copying. Therefore, KJEBM would not be held liable for plagiarizing the work of other scholars by the author(s) whose manuscript is published by KJEBM. 

G. Withdrawal of Submitted Manuscript
Author(s) can withdraw their manuscript at the stage of the review process. This shall be done by stating the reasons for the withdrawal to the editor. Having satisfied with the reasons for the withdrawal, the editor shall write to the author(s) conveying the approval to withdraw the manuscript.